Bipolar Disorder: It's Time to Stop Worrying and Get Help

One minute, you're hyper, talkative, and can't stop laughing. Later, you don't think you've ever felt worse about yourself a day in your life.

Maybe you don't think these incidents are all that serious. Maybe you're worried about what others might think. Or maybe you just think help won't actually be all that helpful.

Whatever the reason you have not sought help, if you suffer from bipolar disorder, here's the truth:

  • Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness.
  • Nobody will think less of you for being responsible and taking control of your health.
  • Treatment can help.

So instead of thinking about all the reasons you won't get help, use this list to convince yourself to finally make yourself better, starting today.

Reason 1: Treatment can help you feel better

While it's true that there is no cure for bipolar disorder, there are ways to control the symptoms. Whether you suffer from extreme mood swings or behavioral problems, treatment can help lessen or, in some cases, even rid you of these issues.

If you tried treatment before and you feel it didn't help, be patient. It takes time to get better. Don't get discouraged if you don't feel better right away.

Talk with your doctors to discuss which treatment option may work best for you. There are many options available, and sometimes one or a combination of a few may work best for you:

  • Medication to help manage your symptoms.
  • Psychotherapy, or "talk" therapy.
  • Support from peers who understand how you feel.

There are a few steps you can take on your own, too. Set a routine and make sure you get enough sleep. Keep a mood chart (PDF) to track your progress.

Treatment works best when you keep up with it. So instead of getting help only when you feel sick, get help now and stay on top of your disorder.

When you're ready, use the PerformCare provider directory to find a Provider who can help you. Or, call Member Services. They can help you find a Provider close to your home.

Reason 2: Your bipolar disorder affects family and friends, too

It's not easy to care for someone who has bipolar disorder. Your family and friends care about you, and watching you suffer can be hard.

What's more, during an episode, they may not know how to help you. Your pain and their inability to help you can leave friends and family feeling stressed and hopeless.

Your friends and family don't blame you for your disorder either. They know it's not your fault. They know that your disorder is caused by:

  • Genes that run in your family.
  • Changes in the brain.
  • Chemical imbalance.

So remember – your friends and family want you to get better. When you seek help, your relief will be theirs, too.

Reason 3: You deserve to feel better

When you don't get help for bipolar disorder, you put yourself at-risk for many other behavioral problems, like:

  • Substance abuse, like drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
  • Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.

Remember that none of this is your fault. Anyone can develop the disorder.

Don't let the disease control your ability to form meaningful, lasting relationships, do well at work or school, and feel good about yourself.

You deserve to lead a healthier life. With help, you can do just that.