2021 Care Coordination Survey Results

Coordination of behavioral health care goal

The total number of participants was 89. This is an increase from the previous year, but this was expected due to the inclusion of the Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) level of care. There were a fair number of responses for each level of care. Below are the 2021 takeaways:

  • A correction on the survey will be made to provide a clearer explanation of what counts as a treatment team meeting to avoid a misunderstanding of the survey question. 
  • For FBMHS, the rates for sufficient, accurate, and timely clinical information at time of admission remain stagnant despite action steps in the past. This will be shared with the care coordination work group to determine if any action steps can occur to improve clinical information at admission.
  • IBHS reported many issues related to the validity of written orders, including:
    • Incomplete information: Settings were not checked at all, or missing client identification or locations.
    • Prescriber’s suggested goals for treatment are not measurable. 
    • Inadequate hours recommended to accomplish goals noted.
    • No measurable improvements listed.
    • Service level specifically named BA versus BC-ABA.
  • Clarity is needed around IBHS treatment team meetings, which should still be occurring. They are not called ISPT meetings, but providers appear to be confused regarding the need for treatment team meetings.
  • IBHS Collaborating with PerformCare concerning barriers or clinical issues scored very low at 66.67%. Some comments indicated there were no barriers or issues to report, which may have contributed to the low number. Another comment offered was that the onus was on PerformCare CCMs to ask if there were issues during the six-month updates. This is incorrect and the provider should be addressing any concerns during the updates. The three IBHS issues will be discussed in the Care Coordination meeting to determine next steps.  

The 2021 results table (PDF) indicates the percentage of providers who scored the question as either 100% – 91% of the time or 90% – 81% of the time.

If you have any questions about these standards or surveys, please contact Bonnie Clark.

± Acronyms:

FBMHS = Family-based mental health services
IBHS= Intensive behavioral health services
IOP = Intensive outpatient program
MH/SU IP = Mental health/substance use inpatient
MH/SU OP = Mental health/substance use outpatient
PHP = Partial hospitalization program
RTF = Residential treatment facility
TCM = Targeted case management