Reduce Screen Time and Get Active

Health experts say computer and television time at home should be limited to one or two hours or less per day, unless it's linked to homework.  The time spent in front of the screen could be better spent being more physically active. Experts also say kids younger than 2 years old should avoid TV watching. Talk to your family and explain to children that it's important to sit less and move more in order to stay healthy. Here are some ways to reduce screen time and get active: 

  • Set screen time limits to 1 to 2 hours every day.
  • Set a good example. If your kids see you away from the TV, they are more likely to do the same.
  • Keep track of how much time the family spends in front of the TV, playing video games, using the computer, and doing physical activities. This will help you decide what changes you need to make.
  • Do something active when you are sitting in front of the TV when a commercial comes on, like stretching, lifting weights, or jumping jacks.
  • If possible, don't put a TV or computer in a child's bedroom. Kids who have a TV in their room tend to watch TV about 1.5 hours more a day then kids who don't have a TV in their room.
  • Turn off the TV during a meal. Family meal time is a good time to talk to each other. 

Watching TV can become a habit. Give children other ideas, such as playing outside, new hobbies, or learning a sport. Get Active!


(Source: Reduce Screen Time and Get Active, at