2020 Care Coordination Survey Results

Coordination of behavioral health care goal

The total number of participants was 58. This was similar participation to the previous year's survey, despite the elimination of the BHRS level of care. There were a fair number of responses for each level of care.

Below are the 2020 takeaways:

  • Most levels of care still struggle with obtaining sufficient, accurate, and timely materials at time of admission. PerformCare has made attempts over the past few years to improve these measures; however, some referral sources may not be able to provide good materials for various reasons. PerformCare recommends that each level of care outreach to their referral source, explain the need for better materials, and be specific about what you need.
  • A general reminder to all levels of care: It is essential to include TCM in treatment team meetings.
  • Please remember that PerformCare staff are available for assistance if barriers or clinical issues are interfering with a smooth transition to the next level of care. A few levels of care noted a decrease in this measure.
  • There was an improvement in two metrics: setting a date and time for the follow-up appointment, and inclusion of natural supports while planning follow-up.

The 2020 results table (PDF) indicates the percentage of providers who scored the question as either 100% – 91% of the time or 90% – 81% of the time.

If you have any questions about these standards or surveys, please contact Bonnie Clark.

± Acronyms:

BHRS = Behavioral health rehabilitation services
FBMHS = Family-based mental health services
IOP = Intensive outpatient program
MH/SU IP = Mental health/substance use inpatient
MH/SU OP = Mental health/substance use outpatient
PHP = Partial hospitalization program
RTF = Residential treatment facility
TCM = Targeted case management