Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The core of PerformCare's mission is to ensure behavioral health care is available to all members, while supporting the unique needs of each individual member. PerformCare is committed to finding ways to break down any barriers to behavioral health care access and ensure discrimination does not occur, in any form. PerformCare will address any discrimination based on the grounds of sex, skin color, physical disabilities, or language needs, or among members who identify as LGBTQIA+. PerformCare has identified the steps below to accomplish our goal:

  • Annually review race/ethnicity and language data of PerformCare membership.
  • Annually review and update policies and processes, to ensure access and availability of language services.
  • Annually ensure the network practitioners meet the cultural and language needs of the membership.
  • Review findings of members in various levels of care to determine if there are differences in treatment access based on race, ethnicity, and/or language needs.
  • Prioritize opportunities to reduce health care gaps.
  • Obtain member feedback on any barriers to treatment they experienced.
  • Recruit and organize a workgroup that includes community experts to work on reducing differences in treatment access.
  • Require annual training of PerformCare staff on cultural diversity and awareness, to address and reduce bias.

PerformCare CLAS-PAB Committee

  • PerformCare’s Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services-Provider Advisory Board (CLAS-PAB) Committee provides education within the provider network and ensures members receive culturally responsive treatment by helping to:
    • Ensure culturally and linguistically appropriate services are offered throughout the network
    • Ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
    • Reduce health care disparities for the communities we serve
  • The CLAS-PAB Committee includes PerformCare representatives and external participants, who are representative of in-network providers, members, primary contractors, and community supports.
  • Goals of the CLAS-PAB Committee include identifying race and ethnicity trends and implementing interventions to address identified disparities in the areas of:
    • Ambulatory follow-up
    • Denials issued
    • Member Satisfaction Survey results
    • Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inpatient readmission rates
    • Utilization rates
    • Substance Use Disorder initiation and engagement rates
  • PerformCare’s initiatives to enhance DEI efforts across our organization and the provider network include:
    • Community engagement
    • Ensuring access to culturally appropriate services and resources
    • Ensuring access to translation services and providing materials in various languages
  • The CLAS-PAB Committee provides guidance on targeted interventions to reduce disparities in relevant care measures, continually evaluates the effectiveness of the measures, and reports the results to the QI/UM Committee.

If you or your organization would like additional information or has interest in joining the committee, please contact Barb Miller at bmiller@performcare.org or Dr. Stacey Rivenburg at srivenburg@performcare.org.

Provider memos

PerformCare initiated a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) provider memo series. To review past and current submissions, go to the PerformCare DEI Provider Memos page.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion resources