Childhood Obesity and Depression: Signs and When to Get Help

All parents want their children to be healthy and happy. But children who are very overweight (or obese) are not only at risk for health problems, they are more likely to be depressed, too.

Some overweight children are very popular at school and feel good about themselves. But studies show many overweight children suffer emotional distress. They are often picked on by other children and not included in social activities. Even some teachers can have negative attitudes about their overweight students. They may think of them as lazy or not as smart as others in the class. And these attitudes can come through in how they treat overweight students.

Such treatment is hurtful. It can cause overweight children to feel shame about their bodies and can lower their self-esteem, and this can be too much for children to cope with. Many times, depression sets in. The thing is, the children may feel embarrassed to tell their parents what they are going through. They may not know how to express such feelings. That’s why it’s important for parents of overweight children to be aware of changes in attitudes and behaviors that could be signs the children are struggling with depression.

Some of the signs include:

  • Loss of interest in or lack of energy for activities the children used to enjoy.
  • Acting sad, lonely, angry or withdrawn.
  • Sleeping too much or having trouble getting to sleep.
  • Not wanting to go to school or go outside to play.
  • Talking about hurting themselves or others.

These are signs it’s time to take action. Having a calm, gentle conversation is a great place to start. It’s also a good idea for parents to schedule a checkup for their children with their primary care providers. The providers can help parents with healthy lifestyle changes for their children and are better able to tell if mental health care is needed.

Not all overweight children are depressed. But an overweight child suffering from depression needs help, love and support. It will lead to greater health and happiness now and in the future.